SparkLLM Chat
SparkLLM chat models API by iFlyTek. For more information, see iFlyTek Open Platform.
Basic useβ
"""For basic init and call"""
from langchain.chat_models import ChatSparkLLM
from langchain.schema import HumanMessage
chat = ChatSparkLLM(
spark_app_id="<app_id>", spark_api_key="<api_key>", spark_api_secret="<api_secret>"
message = HumanMessage(content="Hello")
- Get SparkLLMβs app_id, api_key and api_secret from iFlyTek SparkLLM
API Console (for more info,
see iFlyTek SparkLLM Intro ),
then set environment variables
or pass parameters when creatingChatSparkLLM
as the demo above.
For ChatSparkLLM with Streamingβ
chat = ChatSparkLLM(streaming=True)
for chunk in"Hello!"):
print(chunk.content, end="")